June 7, 2009

English Poetry Mid

1. Mature of Poetry
• Sense
• Feeling and tone: nada yg dihasilkan dari perasaan pengarang, perasaan yg dihasilkan pembaca karena membaca puisi

2. Method of Poetry
a) Diction

b) Imagery, selalu menjurus, mengundang perasaan org lain u/ menggambarkan sesuatu berdasarkan perasaan kita

c) Figurative language

1. gaya bahasa menurut struktur kalimatnya
• klimaks
• antiklimaks
parallelism, 2 kalimat yg artinya sama tpi sometimes kata2 tidak sama
• antitesis, berlawanan tpi tidak mempertentangkan
• repitisi

2. gaya bahasa retoris
Alliteration: mengulang konsonan yg sama dalam 1 baris

Asonansi: mengulang bunyi vocal yg sama

• Inverse
• Emphasized
3. gaya bahasa kias

Euphuism: memakai kata2 dgn arti baik dgn tujuan baik, berupa ungkapan2 yg tidak menyinggung siapapun coz bahasa nya halus

Litotes: pikiran yg dinyatakan dgn lawan katanya atau merendahkan diri

Hyperbola: mengandung pernyataan yg berlebihan

Paradoks: mengandung pertentangan dgn fakta2 yg ada

Sinekdok: menggunakan sebagian dari sesuatu u/ menyatakan keseluruhan

Apostrophe: cara u/ menyapa someone dalam puisi, ex: Shakespeare You are…

Simile: membandingkan sesuatu hal, ciri2: “like a thunderbolt”

Metaphor: pembanding tanpa media, ex: “mountain walls”

d) Denotation and connotation
e) Rhythm and rhyme
f) Subject Matter: hal2 yg dibicarakan, biasanya ditulis berulang2

The Sick Rose
By William Blake

O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.

Analysis: Thou, archaic word yg digunakan u/ menghormati, g.b apostrophe, invisible means tidak bisa dilihat dgn mata bugil = virus or disease, storm means problem, thy bed = your bed, crimson = merah ungu/sukacita/hyperbola, dark secret love = saling menyakiti/ g.b emphasized, symbolized: bad women/ mawar yg hampir mati ato rontok/tidak ada harapan

Selfisness: rose and the virus, storm and life destroy
Possesiveness: the invisible worm that flies in the night
Jealousy: the writer ‘bout sick rose, “O rose thou art sick”
Klimaks: line 1 to 4, the tone
Paralel: crimson joy and dark secret love
Antitesis: “in the howling storm” and “has found thy bed”
Personification: sick, thou, thy, his, life
Subject Matter: rose, thou, thy
Theme: prostitution = flies in the night, adultery = dark secret love, invisible

A White Rose
By John Boyle

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rose bud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

Analysis: g.b antitesis = passion n love
Red rose whispers: describe a symbol of passion, strong willingness
White rose breathes: same voice, kadarnya smooth hampir soundless
Passion n love: the different: love stronger n stronger become passion
Kontradiktif: red rose n white rose
Parallelism: whispers n breathes, whispers of passion n has a kiss of desire on the lips, the white rose is a dove with purest n sweetest
Metaphor: “the red rose is…” n “the white rose is…”
Antithesis: falcon n dove (strenght)
Rose bud = awet, berkualitas
Flush: feeling, whether shy or love
• The white rose can be a symbol of passion because love when stronger n stronger become passion
• The speaker send rose bud because have more quality n long lasting love

A Red, Red Rose
By Robert Burns

O, my Luve's like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June.
O, my Luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair as thou, my bonnie lass, = anak gadis yg cantik
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will love thess till, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run: = hourglass

And fare thee well, my only luve! = pergi
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho' it ware ten thousand mile. = jarak

Terdiri dari 4 bait dan masing2 bait ada 4 baris which consisting of alternating (berganti - ganti) tetrameter and trimeter lines. Yg berarti baris pertama dan ketiga pada masing2 bait mempunyai 4 penekanan suku kata sedangkan baris kedua dan keempat mempunyai 3 penekanan suku kata, cara penulisan ini disebut ballad stanza

The dominant meter of the ballad stanza is iambic, yg berarti baris di susun dalam 2 bagian suku kata yg disebut iambs, yg suku kata pertama tidak diberi penekanan dan suku kata kedua diberi penekanan Ex: That's sweet / ly play'd / in tune.

Bait pertama, baris pertama dan ketiga merupakan simile (like), Burns membandingkan cintanya dgn bunga mawar saat musim semi dan dengan melodi yg indah. Cinta akan selalu ada tidak masalah jauh atau dekatnya org itu berasal

Bait kedua dan ketiga cintanya menjadi meningkat, diakhiri dengan gaya bahasa metaphor “sands of life” atau hourglass. Burns menggambarkan kisah cinta abadinya sampai “laut2 menjadi kering” dan “batu2 mencair bersama matahari” merupakan syair2 yg indah. Pada sisi yg lain Burns mengingatkan kita pada alur waktu dan perubahan yg dihasilkan yg terdapat di bait pertama dan gambaran dari red rose, “newly spring in june”
Yang kita tahu dari pengalaman akan berubah dan runtuh/luntur/busuk bersama waktu

Bait terakhir menjelaskan kompleksitas sajak dengan perpisahan dan janji untuk kembali

by Robert Herrick

ROSES at first were white
Till they could not agree,
Whether my Sappho's breast = permata atau kuat
Or they more white should be.

But, being vanquish'd quite, = menang or menaklukkan
A blush their cheeks bespread ; = menjadi kemerah2an/ mengembangkan
Since which, believe the rest,
The roses first came red.

by Robert Herrick

GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying :
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer ;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time, = malu, sopan
And while ye may go marry :
For having lost but once your prime = terpenting
You may for ever tarry. = menunggu, menanti

Analysis: in this poem the idea of marriage while love and flesh are still young should be heeded or one may suffer in their later years alone and loveless. Herrick believes this gift of virginity to be a great waste if not given while it is still desirable. Virginity is a gift for the simple reason that it can only be given once to the taker of the prize, which he believes should be the husband. Therefore, he says to go out and find husbands, for youth is not perpetual and will eventually succumb to old age and loneliness. Through Herrick's use of colorful imagery and personification, the reader detects a sense of urgency and duty for the virgins to go forth and marry while time is still at hand and love is bountiful, thus creating the overall idea of carpe diem.

The first stanza of the poem opens to the personification of the flowers as the virgins:

The Deserted House = sunyi
By Mary Coleridge

There's no smoke in the chimney, = cerobong
And the rain beats on the floor;
There's no glass in the window,
There's no wood in the door;
The heather grows behind the house,
And the sand lies before.
No hand hath trained the ivy, = pintu bawah / daun pasang2
The walls are grey and bare; = kosong
The boats upon the sea sail by,
Nor ever tarry there. = menunggu
No beast of the field comes nigh, = dekat
Nor any bird of the air.

The Old House
By Walter De La Mare

A very, very old house I know-
And ever so many people go,
Past the small lodge, forlorn and still, = penginapan, menyedihkan
Under the heavy branches, till
Comes the blank wall, and there's the door.
Go in they do; come out no more.
No voice says aught; no spark of light =
Across that threshold cheers the sight; = ambang pintu, penglihatan
Only the evening star on high
Less lonely makes a lonely sky,
As, one by one, the people go
Into that very old house I know.

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