April 29, 2009


Is the study of the arrangement of words into phrase n sentences or syntactical construction (menempatkan) secara bersama2 beberapa kata/kel.kata menjadi kalimat.

  • u/ memperoleh konstruksi bahasa tertentu
  • u/ merekonstruksi bahasa dari kaidah pembentkan kalimat
  • u/ menguji dan m’identifikasi kata sesuai dgn konteksnya

Word: minimal free form which bears a particular stress pattern of its own, and appears in writing as a separate and independent unit

Konstituen: unsur pembentuk construction

Key words: N V ADJ ADV

V: can, may, must, will

Det: the , a, this, that, many, several

Prep: on, in, at, above, with, behind

Qualifiers: very, somewhat, quiet

Interogators: when, how, who, which

Negator: not, never

Subordinate: if, as, although, after

Coordinator: and, or, but, yet

IC: unsur bahasa yg lgsg ada di bawah konstruksi

Form Classes and Function Words: Meaning (clear lexical meaning) found in dictionary, Occurance (low freq) not always found or used in a dialogue, Numbers (very great), Marker (have marker), Dictionary (open) every time there are new creation of nouns, verb; helicopter, tractor, Pronunciation (emphasized)

Syntactical Const: when words as minimal free forms are put together into a construction

Endocentric: const. in which at least one of the IC’s belong to the same form class as the whole construction

  • Attributive: only one IC belong to the same form class as the whole construction; ‘strong boys, the boys’ boys is Head n strong is Modifier
  • Coordinative: consist of noun or noun phrase to which another N or NP is added, usually a comma between them; ‘John, my friend’
  • Appositive: when the two IC’s of an End. Const. belong to the same form class as the whole const.; boys and girls play basketball

Exocentric: one in which none of the IC’s belongs to the same form class as the whole const

  • Directive: the IC’s of d.c are called director and axis or object; ‘shoot/the tiger (axis)’

V+Obj: look at |the girl, give me |money

Prep+Obj: above |the earth, under | the chair

Conj+clause: before | it is too dark, until | I come down

  • Complementive: consisit of two IC’s, the first being a copula (V cop) and the second being any word or other linguistic form that complement the copulative verb (comp)

Vcop+complement: be | diligent (adj as comp, I am | a teacher (noun as comp

  • Predicative: consist of a subject and a predicate as its two IC’s

“John, the class leader, sits on the front row”

Part of Speech

  • Nouns: can take the plural suffix (s), can be proceed by articles, qualifiers, possessive (the boy), can occur after adjectives (smart students)
  • Verbs: can take the past tense suffix (wanted, walked), can take the – s suffix showing present tense and 3rd person singular subject (she walks home), can take the – ing suffix (walking, crying)
  • Adj: Adj, comparative (adj+er), superlative (adj+est)
  • Phrase: a word or a group of words without subjects and predicate and predicate, and it functions as a part of speech

S: NP | VP

NP: Det | Adj | N | PP, some smart students in the class

PP: P | N, P | NP, on the table, with the sister

VP: V | NP | PP | PP, hit the child with a stick

ADJ P: ADV | ADJ, very comfortable, so interesting, so emotional

ADV P: ADV | ADV, so quickly, very hard, very hard

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